Meet The Author
10.02.2022* | Fr. JOSEPH THAM
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*It is with regrets that we have to cancel this event due to further Covid-19 restrictions. Let's hope there will be another chance for this talk to happen.
Meanwhile, you can still get your copy of Fr. Tham's book
“ART FOR GOD - Artworks & Spiritual Reflections”
《天地人和 書畫篆刻神修拾穗》at TheBookshop, in-store or online.
Born in Hong Kong, Fr. Joseph Tham L.C is the unusual combination of Catholic priest, medical doctor, university professor in Bioethics and also a thoughtful and accomplished artist of extraordinary Chinese paintings, calligraphy and seals. Indeed, Father Tham is a rare human being, a man of many talents and in ART FOR GOD, the reader will be able to share not just Father Tham’s beautiful artworks (in full colour) curated and published for the first time but also his perceptive writings on Chinese philosophy and Catholic theology and spirituality as he communicates with God through art – not just any art but his own artworks.
Placing his artworks within the context of the ancient Chinese philosophy of ‘Heaven, Earth, Man and Harmony’, Father Tham has used his tremendous skill and grace with Chinese brush painting and calligraphy to describe the essence of his subject matter – the glory and the mystery of God. It is a unique book which breaks new ground and inspires the reader to look at Chinese art with a different appreciation.
Fr. Tham is the former Dean of the School of Bioethics at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome, Italy. Today, his main work involves teaching, research and writing in the area of Bioethics and he is the author and editor of numerous articles and books. In his free time, he continues to create his sensitive Chinese paintings, calligraphy and seal carvings. His inspirational and expressive artworks have been exhibited in Canada, USA, Mexico, Hong Kong, and Italy.