Janus Ng 吳嘉儀
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Janus Ng, an award-winning Hong Kong jewellery designer, founded “5+2 Experimental Jewellery” with the concept of “Let Jewellery Tell”. Through her jewellery, she aims to convey ideas and stories that could inspire others to dare to pursue their dream. Her jewellery collections are beautiful as well as inspiring in their appearance.
Janus graduated with the First Class Honours Degree in Jewellery and Metal Work at Sheffield Hallam University, England. A former Senior Designer at Swarovski, her striking “Homeless” pieces have won many awards and admirers.
曾多次獲奬的珠寶設計師 Janus Ng,以 “讓珠寶說話” 為品牌理念成立 ”5+2 Experimental Jewellery”。透過珠寶,傳遞故事與信息給大眾媒介,激勵他人敢於追自己的夢。對她而言,珠寶的意義不僅在於亮麗外表,也在於能否啟發佩戴者。
Janus 在英國謝菲爾德哈勒姆大學珠寶及金工製作,以一等榮譽學位畢業,也曾在施華洛世奇擔任高級設計師。她的作品 ”Homeless” 同時受到各個奬項評審的認同,及客人的愛戴。