Kan Tai-Keung 靳埭強
Known as "Uncle Kan”, he is considered the "Father of Hong Kong Design". He has received numerous awards, including: Top Ten Outstanding Young People in Hong Kong (1979), Urban Council Design Award (1984), Who's Who in Graphic Design in the World (1995, the first Chinese to be listed), Honorary Doctorate of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2005), Hong Kong SAR Bronze Bauhinia Star (1999) and Silver Bauhinia Star (2010).
Fascinated by artistic process, he took up modern ink painting. His works have been exhibited around the world and widely collected by museums. He is currently the Artistic Advisor of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Honorary Advisor of the Hong Kong Museum of Art.
一九四二年出生於廣東番禺,一九五七年定居香港。著名設計作品有:中國銀行標誌、香港通用郵票、重慶 城市形象徽誌、日本名紙坊花紋紙、東亞運火炬等。曾獲無數殊榮,其中包括:香港十大傑出青年(一九七九年)、市政局設計大獎(一九八四年)、世界平面設計 師名人錄(一九九五年,為首位華人名列其中)、香港理工大學榮譽博士(二零零五年)、香港特區銅紫荊星章勳銜(一九九九年)及銀紫荊星章勳銜(二零一零 年)。
此外,靳氏熱心藝術及設計推展的工作,曾擔任香港設計師協會主席(一九八五至一九八八年)、汕頭大學長江藝術與設計學院院長(二零零三至二零一一年),現為國際平面設計聯盟 AGI 會員及中國分會主席、康樂及文化事務署藝術顧問及香港藝術館榮譽顧問。