Objects of the Dragon Kiln 《器說⿓窯》
21.10.2021 | BOOK LAUNCH 新書發佈
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Eighty years ago, Tuen Mun was known as Castle Peak. Once the centre of Hong Kong’s flourishing pottery industry, little evidence now remains, except for the Castle Peak Dragon Kiln. The only intact kiln of its kind to remain in Hong Kong, the structure has been preserved as a Grade III historic building. From the 1940s to early 1980s, the kiln produced numerous household items — from penny banks and clay pots to drainage pipes and wine jars. Objects of the Dragon Kiln retells the site’s story through an examination of nine cherished objects that were produced at the kiln. Authored by Hong Kong Dragon Kiln Concern Group, a non-profit organization gathering professionals from conservation, education, arts and cultural sectors, as well as the ceramic field including potters, ceramic artists, and art educators.
Come to our book launch
“Objects of the Dragon Kiln”
Thursday, 21 October 2021 | 18:00 - 20:00
at TheBookshop, G/F., Hong Kong Museum of Art,
10 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
+852 28862611 info@thebookshophk.com
Space is limited. RSVP is required.
While the book is bilingual Chinese (Traditional) and English,
the talk will be conducted mainly in Cantonese.