Zazaki Greenose

The moment Zazaki Greenose first picked up a pencil, at the age of three, he loved to draw. Working as a grown-up in Silicon Valley for four years was a long and unfulfilling distraction. He became happier later when he rediscovered his joy of children’s books, especially the way they bond child and parent. Papa’s Forest Bus, his very first picture book, blends digital media and hand-drawn illustrations. Zazaki also creates his work on Konnichi Meoto Zenzai. Since then, he has published three more children's book titles.
Together with Prof. Masuda Rika who studies children picture books’ application on clinical psychology, Zazaki Greenose created "The Little Bookshelf of Empathy" project, which is coming to TheBookshop starting Saturday, 29 May 2021. Stay tuned for the book selection with Zazaki's three latest titles in it!