The Little Bookshelf of Empathy

Empathy helps us to understand and concern about others. Through funny stories, we wish children could feel how empathy happens, and how this could change oneself and others! The Little Bookshelf of Empathy has traveled to kindergartens, bringing books with the theme of empathy chosen by Professor Masuda Rika - who studies children picture books’ application on clinical psychology, and Mr. Zazaki Greenose, illustrator, picture book author and teaching fellow of Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design. We have updated our book selections and bring the bookshelf to TheBookshop. Hope you could enjoy swimming in this ocean of empathy!
同理心可以令我們更加理解及關心其他人。我們希望小朋友能從有趣生動的故事裏感受到同理心如何發生、如何改變自己及其他人!「同理心小書架」曾到過幼稚園做巡迴展覽,書架上有以同理心作主題的繪本,由立命館大學專門研究繪本應用於臨床心理學的增田梨花教授和理工大學設計學院導師、及繪本作家沙沙奇綠鼻子揀選。選書更新了,現於「本書店」(TheBookshop) 作公眾展出,希望大家能在同理心的海洋暢泳!